Where to Log Exceptions

Tom Walton
3 min readDec 18, 2021

Logging exceptions that occur is important for understanding why a program, or part of it, failed. However, bad logging practices can make this debugging task needlessly difficult, with either missing information, or the same information repeated many times. In this post I discuss how to avoid these problems, and so quickly get to the root cause of issues.

Logging exceptions correctly

To begin with, let’s recap how to properly log an exception in the first place, regardless of where in the application this is done.

The key thing to call out here is we pass the exception object itself to the logger, thereby allowing the logger to log the full stack trace of the exception, so no information is lost. Additionally, we provide extra information that is available to us in the current context, such as the data source name. This ensures we get a nice, useful stack trace like so:

Log-throw is an anti-pattern

Logging exceptions, and then continuing to throw that exception, or a new exception that wraps it, results in redundant log statements. These clutter up the log files, making it harder to understand what a program is doing, and pinpoint the root cause of an issue. The caller of a given function cannot know whether that function has already logged the exception or not, so it can either log it again (redundant), or even worse, not log it at all. Even if you are catching an exception and throwing a different one, you should pass the original exception into the constructor of the new one, so the stack trace is retained:

Log exceptions where they are handled

If we shouldn’t log exceptions and then throw them again, where do we log them? After all, we need to make they are logged somewhere. Exceptions should be logged where they are handled. The handling code is the part of your program that knows what the exception means in the context of the program (hence why it is handling it), and so can provide useful additional context in the log statement. The exception must be logged here, or its information will be lost, as the handling code does not rethrow it. Furthermore, here you have the maximum context: the full stack trace. Of course, you won’t have access to the same context that you would have had further down the call stack, and so it’s those components’ responsibility to include any useful debugging information in the stack trace.

This practice ensures that there is only a single point in the code where the exception is logged, and logging can be centralized, with only the higher level components needing to deal with logging.

Exceptions to this rule

While the above advice works well most of the time, there are cases where you may want to log error information, and then continue to throw another exception. One example is if you’re at the edge of the application layer, and you don’t want to expose the full error information to the client (e.g. API caller). In this case you may log the full stack trace, and then throw a more generic, high-level exception that the client will see. This could be for security reasons, or simply readability.


This post shows how to avoid redundant log statements when logging exceptions in Java, although is more generally applicable to other languages that use exceptions. Following these practices should result in cleaner, easier to read application logs, making debugging issues less painful.


Originally published at https://www.tomwalton.blog on December 18, 2021.



Tom Walton

I write about software engineering practices and features I have discovered, which I did not find intuitive at first. Mostly on Java and AWS right now.